

File history uploaded by Shirley Moore 10 years, 2 months ago
Yellowness index

      Typical	    Odd
Bird  feather     feather
 A    -0.255	   -0.324
 B    -0.213	   -0.185
 C    -0.190	   -0.299
 D    -0.185	   -0.144
 E    -0.045	   -0.027
 F    -0.025	   -0.039
 G    -0.015	   -0.264
 H     0.003	   -0.077
 I     0.015	   -0.017
 J     0.020	   -0.169
 K     0.023	   -0.096
 L     0.040	   -0.330
 M     0.040	   -0.346
 N     0.050	   -0.191
 O     0.055	   -0.128
 P     0.058	   -0.182 

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